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You can start earning money from internet, from blogging in just 3 steps

Best Way to Make Money Online: The Internet is not only a means of information but also a means of earning. There are many jobs where you can start earning with the help of the internet only. Most people look for ways to earn online, in such a situation, you have a good chance of earning through the Internet.

Create a Blog

This way to earn money online is to write a blog. On the blog, you can write your thoughts, poetry, jokes, review of anything, movie reviews, tips, general knowledge things, or anything else that interests you. Let us tell you that once people start reading your blog then your earning will start.

Now you must be thinking that how will this income be earned. Before knowing this, it is important to know that first understand how to create a blog. Let us tell how you can start blogging in just 5 minutes with 3 steps-

step 1
To create your blog with Google’s Blogger, first of all, you must have an e-mail ID of Google Mail. If you have a Gmail ID then it will take you less than 5 minutes to create a blog. For this, type in the address bar. After entering, a window will open in front of you, in which you will have to log in with your Google Mail ID. As soon as you log in, a window will open in front of you, in which you will see the option of a new blog.


On clicking New Blog, a pop-up window will open in front of you, in which you will have to enter the name of your blog and the blog address you want. Herewith the option of check availability, you can also easily know whether the address entered by you is available or not. If someone else has already taken that address from you, then you will have to enter another address. After this, in the same window choose any one of the templates given below and click on Create Blog option.


As soon as you click on Create Blog, a window will open in front of you, showing the name of your blog. As soon as you click on it, your blog will open in front of you. Let us tell you that this window can be opened only by those who have your ID and password. From this window, you can manage your blog. Through this, you can not only do updating in the blog, but you can also change its design. To see your blog, you have to type the address in the address bar, through which you registered your blog in step-2. If your mail is open, then the blog opens automatically as soon as you go to

This is how earning from a blog is

For how to earn money with blogging, you can register yourself for Google Adsense by clicking on Earnings in the menu on the left side of this window. Google Adsense is the best way to earn money online from the search engine giant Google. For this, you have to register for Google Adsense with a Google account.

Let us tell you that to get approval from Google Adsense, it is necessary to have good traffic on your blog. Also, before giving approval for Google Adsense from Google, the content quality of your blog is also checked. If the content of your blog is porn, then you will not get its approval, your blog can also be banned by Google.

advertising revenue

If your blog becomes popular among people, then you can promote a company’s product on your blog, for which you will get money from the company. However, for this, an agreement has to be made with the company first, only then you will be given money to promote their product. Apart from this, any other website can also be advertised on your blog, for which your money is given by that website.

affiliation program

In today’s time e-commerce is growing very fast. In this boom of e-commerce, you also have the best chance to earn money online. Most e-commerce companies offer affiliation programs. In this, you have to register with that company and then put the link to the company on your blog. Whenever a visitor buys the product of that company through your website, then for this you are given a commission on behalf of the company.


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